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Writing, speaking, sharing the power of taekwondo
Kick Start by Ewan Briscoe

Kick Start Your Life, by Ewan Briscoe.

I shared yesterday on this blog that in a few days time, I’ll be promoting my book, Kickstart Your Life.

I’m so proud to be a writer and to have the opportunity to share what I’ve learned in a lifetime of practising, teaching and living the value of the martial art of taekwondo with a growing audience.

Addressing people without a martial arts background has been a challenge for me. I can’t assume that they know certain things, or have had certain experiences which have been key in my life. They might know absolutely nothing about the martial arts at all, or not even know what taekwondo is! So my role is to sow a seed, to introduce an idea… and ideas are very powerful things. Who knows where they might lead?

We should always keep on growing and exploring

That’s why I feel such a sense of responsibility.  It’s an honour to be able to do this work, and reach out and spread a message that I think is so important.

Writing and speaking have been a challenge, too, like all new skills. Often when you get to my age, you can feel you know it all. Got the full skillset – nothing left to learn! But it’s not true: we should always keep on growing and exploring, and this is a whole new exciting stage of life for me.

Taking my inspiration from taekwondo, I am seeking to approach it using indomitable spirit: the belief that I can master these new skills and continue to do my life’s work in a whole new way.



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Available at all of our venues.