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Kick Start by Ewan Briscoe


Ewan’s book is for you if….

  • You are looking for your path in life, or have come to a barrier and wonder how to climb over it
  • You are facing challenges, whether in your personal or working life, and feel in need of inspiration
  • You’re a professional who wants to take your career to the next level
  • You are a teacher or trainer, looking for ways to help and inspire your students
  • You asking yourself what your purpose in life really is. What have I really achieved?

It might be a big birthday, becoming a parent, facing a health scare; you might feel frightened about the future or experience regret for the past. Times of reflection and evaluation are creative and exciting as well as challenging, and you can rise to them with energy and renewed enthusiasm for what is still lies ahead.

Wherever you are right now, and whatever challenges you face, this book can help you find your purpose and focus on the goals you want to achieve in the future.



Ewan is a TKD master, a successful businessman, a skilful mentor and a respected community leader.  And to get to where he is today, along with the challenges and responsibilities of founding, growing and running a successful business, he’s faced personal challenges and also confronted racism and prejudice.

Ewan now puts what he’s learned into action in his work with clients of all ages, from young people looking for their path in life, businessmen and women who want to achieve in the workplace and many who are looking for the sense of personal direction and purpose which the martial arts can bring.

This book tells the story of his personal journey as a fighter,  teacher and leader. Drawing on these lessons and experiences, Ewan then offers an exciting path into your future.


The story of Panther TKD teaches more than just martial arts skills, or fighting skills. It teaches vital skills for life.

That’s why this book contains the story of my business – Panther TKD – and the story of my life too. They are the same story. The lessons I learned, I learned the hard way. Then I applied them – first to myself and then to the students I’ve taught down the years.

That’s how I know that these skills and this knowledge can be transformative.

Now it’s time to take them to the wider world – to help young people everywhere start to kick their way through life, to achievement, success and lasting contentment, and to help people who are facing setback and struggles in their lives to face up to challenges and find their path.



Get ready to get kicking!




Available at all of our venues.



Available at all of our venues.