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Go boldly – one small action at a time

Image by Jaskirat Singh Bawa, used under Creative Commons licence.

In this blog, we’ll be looking at how to take action. How to do the deeds that lead to change. That can be hard sometimes. Feeling tired – that it’s all too hard, too much effort… we’ve all felt that way.

But just remember this. When you light the inner fire of your unique passion and purpose, what you have right there is a furnace. You have a light that never goes out. An energy source that never dwindles. With that to push you forward, you’ll find you can do things you never dreamed you could.

When you’re in a place that isn’t right for you, you’re going to be more tired every day. It gets harder and harder to change

And the opposite is also true. Being in a bad place is completely exhausting.

When you’re on a path that’s not right, trapped in a job you have no interest in, or a place in your life that isn’t working for you, you’ll feel more and more tired every day. The longer you leave it, the more exhausted you will be and the harder it will feel to change anything.

How do you push through the barrier of feeling that it’s just to difficult to start? By being bold. By lighting your fire. How?

Boldness can mean just taking just one very small action. What that action is depends on the change you want to make. Often, to start with, you need knowledge – a sense of possibility.

Go boldly – one small action at a time

If you want to change jobs – could you do some voluntary work now, to get experience in the field you are interested in? Could you do an online course to improve your chances? Find out!

If you want to get fitter, does anybody near where you live have a dog that needs walking?  (You never know, they might even pay!) Any activity is a start. If you plan to run a marathon, it’s going to seem too much. To walk a dog? Yeah – I can do that!

If you want to learn a skill – there might be a class just round the corner to help you. There might be a course at work. You might have a friend who can help you if you only asked. Put questions that expand your field of knowledge… that start to get you out of the box. Once you do step out, you’ll find it’s easier to keep on going, and growing.

Here’s a saying that I really love, to help inspire you to begin. It’s by a writer called Johann Goethe.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it”. Whatever you want to do, begin to boldly pursue it, one small action at a time.



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